

A recent study conducted by cognitive psychologists says that multi-tasking is not possible. These experts on psychology add that our brains will not allow us to do many things simultaneously. What the brain actually does is that it switches from one task to another alternatively and when this happens rapidly, we think that we are multi-tasking. But we do not realize that we are burdening our brain functions like attention, focus or memory and the impact of this on the brain may be quite severe. For example, if you talk over your cellphone while driving, you may be cognitively impaired in due course of time. Continue reading “Understanding the Psychology of Multi-tasking”

There are certain symptoms in adults that indicate that they have been affected by Asperger’s syndrome. One of the main symptoms is that these people may have qualitative and visible impairments or problems in their social interactions. Social interaction involves using non-verbal communications like eye-to-eye gaze, body posture, facial expression and gestures. Continue reading “Suffering from Asperger’s Syndrome in Adulthood”

A new study has revealed that mental health problems like stress can trigger teen depression. Conversely, depression may raise the levels of stress hormones in boys, but in the case of girls, the stress hormones may cause obesity. This means that if depression is treated in time, the stress hormones can get reduced. So, the problem of obesity can be prevented also. Continue reading “Stress and Teen Depression”

Experts point out that overweight adolescents may be affected by teen depression. In the case of skinny children, they may convince themselves that they are not healthy or fit enough and so, they may also suffer from depression. In reality, these skinny children may be of the right weight and may be healthy as well, but they still perceive themselves to be unhealthy. Continue reading “Skinny Boys Likely to Suffer from Teen Depression”

If people cheat on their partners, they cannot assume that they will not be found out. It is true that there are a number of men and women who continue indulging in these acts without being found out. But if they are found out, a question arises as to whether they should be forgiven so as to not spoil the relationships. Continue reading “Should You Forgive Cheating in Relationships”

Life is a strange thing and understanding it is very difficult. When we think that everything is moving smoothly, there may be road-blocks and when we expect troubles, things may move without any issues. The same rule applies to relationships as well. Things may be smooth in relationships but even trivial issues may cause major misunderstandings. Continue reading “Relationships Going in the Wrong Direction”

Parenting is a challenging process and a number of parents feel anxious very frequently. This may cause great harm to their health and apart from that, it may spoil their relationship with others and especially with their children. So, they should take immediate steps for dealing with their anxiety. Continue reading “Parenting Tips – Dealing with Parental Anxiety”