Suffering from Asperger’s Syndrome in Adulthood

There are certain symptoms in adults that indicate that they have been affected by Asperger’s syndrome. One of the main symptoms is that these people may have qualitative and visible impairments or problems in their social interactions. Social interaction involves using non-verbal communications like eye-to-eye gaze, body posture, facial expression and gestures.

Another symptom that shows that these adults have been affected by this problem is that they will not be able to develop relationships that are appropriate to their developmental levels either with their peers or with others. They cannot spontaneously share enjoyments, achievements or interests with others also. This aspect involves and includes not having interest to point out or bring out the objects that may interest them to show other people. They may not reciprocate the social behaviors expected of them or may not replicate the emotions others express to them.

There may be repetitive as well as stereotyped behaviors, interests, activities and in some people, these may remain highly restricted. Clinically-significant impairments will also be seen in socially and occupationally important functions. Many of the affected people may feel physically awkward and they may be socially tactless also.

Asperger’s syndrome may go unnoticed

The problem is that in many families, some of the members may have been affected by this problem, but other members may not know it at all. Some of these people may like to keep everything in an organized manner, but they may not practically implement this idea. We may come across a few Asperger’s syndrome-affected people who may have extensive knowledge about certain obscure and highly technical topics. They may endlessly be talking about those topics also.

Most of these people may not know how to empathize with others and so, they are mistaken to be stubborn, mean and selfish. So, they may not be good in maintaining relationships. At the same time, they can be highly loyal and irritatingly honest also. You can see highly disciplined people also in this group and they can be very much productive in their own chosen fields. Since Asperger’s Syndrome of these adults go unnoticed, it is very difficult to arrive at the exact number of people who have been affected by this problem.

What should be done to treat asperger’s syndrome in adults?

Diagnosis is important

The first step is diagnosis of the problem and this itself is considered a major step by experts.

Imparting social skills

The second step is to educate these people and make them acquire social skills. They should be helped to make friends and get along well with them. They should also be motivated to learn what are called “social interaction rules.”

The affected people should know that they have this problem and making them accept it will be a good step to begin with. They should then be motivated to consult with experts for solving their problem. Finding a good therapist who can competently work with and treat adults with Asperger’s Syndrome is important.


Only if the therapist diagnoses the problem in the right manner, will he be able to begin the treatment. The patients should be encouraged by telling them that they need not feel guilty for their behaviors because it is due to the problem they have not been able to interact socially with others. Once such guilty feelings are removed from their minds, these people will cooperate with the therapist in the treatment process.

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