Holiday Season Adds to Teen Anxiety

While holidays mark a time of happiness, fun and warm cheer to many, it kicks off an underlying toxic anxiety in some kids. While there are a number of fun, enjoyable events occurring at home and school, it isn’t one of the best scenarios for teens suffering from anxiety disorders. To them, it means a series of disrupted schedules, inevitable travel plans and unpredictable social gatherings. Coping with teen anxiety during the holiday season can be quite stressful if you don’t know where to begin. Read on and we’ll give you some pointers on how you can help your child cope with it.

Holiday routines

A major stress-reliever for such kids is having their routines set back in place. Even a simple thing, like going to bed on time can greatly affect their anxiety levels. Say you’re attending a party or event, either wind up early and tuck them in at the same time as everyday or get the routine back in place from the next day on.

As tempted as you might be to attend all those parties and events in the spirit of the holiday season, don’t do it, for it may overwhelm your child. You could try attending about 2-3 events every week, rather than obligating them to attend one every day.

As much as the holiday season is bound to be bustling with activity, don’t get carried away by it. Make sure you set some time aside for a quiet and peaceful time with your child. You could take a peaceful nature walk or read a novel and stay away from noisy crowds. This will help your child overcome teen anxiety.

Setting up rules

If your kid is rampantly gorging on sugary snacks, it’ll probably show on their anxiety and stress levels too. They’re definitely going to be indulging in sweet treats in and out of home, and it is for you to keep a tab on how much they eat. Try offering them healthy alternatives instead. If you’re going out, you could pack a light sandwich or some fruit, rather than having them munch on candies and cookies.

You’re kids probably get lazy during the holiday season, and all they seem to do is lounge on the couch watching TV/ playing video games/ surfing online. This can take a toll on their anxiety and stress levels. You need to get them off that couch and make sure that they indulge in exercise and outdoor activities.

A common occurrence among those with teen anxiety is that the anxiety is set off when they’re hungry or tired. Try avoiding outings during such times. In case you are at a social gathering, you could come up with some signal that your child could use every time he needs your help during an anxiety attack, without disturbing others at the party.

Staying calm

One of the best ways to alleviate teen anxiety is by staying calm. Kids are very receptive to how their parents feel. So if you maintain a calm tone and don’t get all worked up, chances are they’ll feel a lot calmer too and will help control teen anxiety.

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