Social Phobia And Teen Anxiety: Causes And Symptoms

It is normal to feel tensed in some situations and giving a presentation and going on date can cause some discomforts in the stomach out of fear. On the other hand, when there is social anxiety disorder, which is otherwise called as social phobia, everyday interactions can cause embarrassment, self-consciousness, fear and irrational anxiety. Even though, it is a chronic mental health condition, it can be treated by learning some coping skills, medication and psychological counseling, which can give people, the ability to interact with others. Now, let us get into the causes of teen anxiety and the causes of social phobia:

Causes of Social Phobia

Like many other mental conditions, social phobia and teen anxiety arise from a complex interaction of genes and environment. Some of the causes include the following:

Inherited traits

Even though, it is found that anxiety disorders can be inherited from the elders in the family, it cannot be clearly stated, whether it is out of genes or because of learning behavior.

Brain chemistry

Natural chemicals in the body can play a crucial role in teen anxiety and social phobia. For instance, an imbalance in the chemical called Serotonin can make this to happen. It is a neurotransmitter that helps in the regulation of emotions and mood and people with teen depression or even people in other ages can be extra-sensitive to the effects of this chemical.

Brain structure

A structure in the brain called as amygdala also can play an important role in the control of fear. If this substance is overactive, they will face an increase in the level of anxiety to social situations.

Negative experience

This is another important reason behind social anxiety disorder and humiliation, ridicule, rejection, bullying and teasing faced by children. Apart from this, other negative events faced by children in life in teen anxiety.

Symptoms of Social Phobia

If you have Social anxiety disorder, it will affect your behavior and emotions and it can bring about significant physical and psychological symptoms. Here are some of the psychological symptoms that you can experience:

There might be difficulty in talking, in making eye contact, avoid situations, where you might be the center of attractions, avoid speaking to people out of embarrassment, anxiety that can disturb, social and work routine. You will also experience other symptoms like fear of others noticing you when you are anxious, worrying about humiliating or embarrassing yourself. Fear about situations that might involve judging your skills and intense fear to interact with strangers are also some symptoms.

Physical symptoms

In addition to the above-mentioned emotional symptoms, there are great chances that you will experience many other physical symptoms like cold, diarrhea, confusion, muscle tension, shaky voice, upset stomach, fast heartbeat, shaking and trembling, sweating and blushing.

When to see a doctor

If you think whether you might be having teen anxiety, just because of your avoidance of normal situations and because of your frequent fear. If this type of anxiety affects frequently, it can cause severe effects on the day-to-day activities. In such a situation, it is better to consult your doctor immediately.

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