Recognizing Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Do you ever feel anxious for no reason? Do you expect trouble on starting some new work or when meeting someone new? How often do you feel so?

While anxiety is common and serves its purpose of making a person vigilant and aware in order to avoid things going wrong, it can interfere adversely with your life if not kept in check.

What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder

The symptoms of chronic worrying along with nervous tension are collectively known by the name Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). It is a common disorder and often goes undetected.


  • Emotional symptoms

The difference between a phobia and GAD is that phobia is specific to a situation, object or even a person, but in case of GAD there is no real reason for the anxiety. In case of teen anxiety, it generally surfaces when there is a test or exam around or when teens are going out on a date (especially on the first date).

  • Behavioral symptoms

Difficulty in relaxing and lack of concentration are the most common behavioral signs shown by someone afflicted by GAD. In more serious cases, people may avoid situations that make them anxious and procrastinate which may need immediate attention. This can be disruptive to daily life and can affect personal life.

  • Body symptoms

The physical manifestation of GAD is seen as tight and tense muscles and frequently upset stomach. An anxiety ridden person will also have sleep disorders and often feels jumpy, edgy and restless.

Root causes

In modern science, often mood and temper are believed to be dictated by chemicals that are released in the brain. It is the same with GAD too. In teenagers, a very common cause of teen anxiety is pressure of studies and the confusions of growing up. While there may be stressful situations of varying degree in every home, all adolescent boys and girls may not react the same way. This is especially true if they are sensitive and introvert by nature.

How to deal with GAD:

  • Allopathy

As mentioned before, GAD is attributed to hormones or chemicals. So the common solution is usually medication in the allopathic system of medicine.

  • Alternate healing

The most common approach in this system of healing is relaxation technique. Any tape or CD with soothing music can be played and keeping oneself still when listening to soothing tunes helps in achieving calmness.

  • Holistic approach

Another way to deal with GAD is to introspect about the unnecessary worries and anxieties that run through one’s mind all through the day. This is monitored by making a note of every unnecessary thought that comes to the mind. If it is not possible to write down immediately, then a mental note should be made and transferred on paper as soon as possible. Seeing the journal of thoughts and the end of the day shows things in a different light. Every worry in the list should be run through examining the cause and possible solution.

  • Lifestyle changes

Teen anxiety can be dealt by good exercise habits and limiting caffeine and white sugar in the diet. Although this solution applies to people of all ages, teens going through a phase of major changes on all levels: physical, mental as well as emotional Can benefit the most from it.

General anxiety disorder although called ‘general’ need not be so as help is available in different forms addressing individual needs as discussed. People suffering from the symptoms should first accept the situation and take measures to heal themselves.

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